Know your DOSHAS

Have you at any point considered what really represents contrasts in individuals? For what reason are a few people hyperactive and quick moving, while others ooze beauty and quietness? For what reason would some Individuals be able to eat a five-course feast...

PANCHMAHABHUTAS – The Building Blocks of Life

Everything we do- thinking, eating, listening, praying, singing, good and bad deeds, all are considered to have an influence on the five elements or panchmahabhutas. When we closely observe our body, we find that it is none other than a combination of 5 basic elements...

AYURVEDA: The choice to honour the health

Everyone is exploring the new normal for being healthy with a holistic approach focussed on Ayurveda & its perspective. But how many of us exactly know what actually this ancient science of Ayurveda is all about! Ayurveda is all about self-care practices, staying...